Saturday, June 21, 2008


This website talk about evolution. I understand that different species share common ancestors because one animal evolution will split to many others animal. It cool!

This picture is the family tree of animal.
This website talk aboat the animal will evolution to best to live . If you not evolution to best you will be kill from other animal or can not eazy to catch the food you need .


Sunday, June 15, 2008


There are many kind of Fossil like bones, teeth, shells, wood .It also have foot print fossil .There are not many Fossils beacause it will be corrode.So we can't understand for many about fossil.

It is a extinction fossil of sea cow .

Fossils usually is hard body animal leave and be the Fossils also can be soft animal died but the imprint print in the rock .

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The universe
This website talk about : The most early creature in the Earth is germs then it had some simple animal in the sea .Then it had some bugs and lizard then it become dinosaurs . When 6.5million years ago all of the dinosaur died. The dinosaurs died reason is that a big stone hit the earth and all the dust barricade the sun .It cold for many years and died.I think this way to saying is right . Just this might will let all the dinosaurs died.

The big bang is happen at 150 billion year ago. galaxies stong mix to celestial bodies. Then have the Earth. The universe will grow big and turn small . I think this way to saying is difficaut let me understand . So I don't know this way to saying is wrong or right.