Saturday, May 29, 2010

Duccio di Buoninsegna

This is one of the painting of Duccio di Buoninsegna . The name of the painting is Maestà with Twenty Angels and Nineteen Saints. He drew this painting 1308 and finish in 1311 . This is the most famous painting that he drawed.I can also see that this painting has a great harmony. di Buoninsegna is the great artist in italy. He likes to paint pigment with tempera. Tenpera means to use albumin and glue mix with the colors.It can make the color more warm and beautiful. He always Infusing new things in to tradition art. This is the most important two things that people will love his art

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This picture name is the last supper . I can see the balance in this picture. Jesus is in the middle and the two side people almost stand in the same way and the number of people is same.It shows in Renaissance time the painter like to draw the painting in a great balance.They think this kind of draw is beautiful.

In this website I learned that Harmony means balance. In Renaissance time there are some famous artist like Leonardo da Vince, Jordano, Tizian, Donatello, Michelangelo they were all value about harmany . thier piantings almost have balance. The last supper is a great example.They think that way to draw is beautiful.Painter call it is a golden proportion.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Giotto di Bondone draw many picture about religion . He draws like a real person . There face have feelings , love , sad...........Every one think his paintings are so beautiful. Than he become famous quickly . He draws many paintings .

This is the painting about When Jeasous dies . I can see that everyone eyes and face are all sad. I like the Giotto di Bondone put alot of feeling in this painting. I think this painting is really great

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Giotto Di Bondone was a painter. His was good at painting. He was very poor when he was young . His father was a farmer. He always need to help his father to farm fid cow or pig. When he is older he learn pianting with a famous Italy painter Cimabue.He learned very fast . After few years he became a great painter. He drawed many paniting in his life .He is the most important man of raiddesence.
I think this draw is very beautiful . The use of the colar is good. This paint is call Marriage at Cana. However this paint is draw about Marriage, but I cant feel the happy and love in this painting . This part is my dislike part .