Saturday, May 22, 2010

This picture name is the last supper . I can see the balance in this picture. Jesus is in the middle and the two side people almost stand in the same way and the number of people is same.It shows in Renaissance time the painter like to draw the painting in a great balance.They think this kind of draw is beautiful.

In this website I learned that Harmony means balance. In Renaissance time there are some famous artist like Leonardo da Vince, Jordano, Tizian, Donatello, Michelangelo they were all value about harmany . thier piantings almost have balance. The last supper is a great example.They think that way to draw is beautiful.Painter call it is a golden proportion.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Pretty good Henry. You fulfilled the assignment in a satisfactory way. I like what you learned from the website, though there was a lot more to read there had you taken the time--a lot more to learn, in fact. Take an interest and your English will also improve.