Saturday, November 7, 2009

I read the writing and looked the picture.The site is about jewish kings . I learned that :King David's story and king Solomon stroy.King david was a good king . He made 12 tribe to a country . That was a great thing.Because it will make Israel be more stronger.And salomon is Wisdom and Justice King who did many good things for the country.what things does he done will always in the history , and people also will always love him.

1 This is the picture about king David
I read the imformation and look the picture in this website. This website is pretty good . The writing is very useful too.I learned that what had changed about Istaelite. After Istaelite came back to Israel . They learned alot of things about Eygpt. They have kings and some soildiers.Soonly they have their own kingdom and history .
2This is the picture of Jesus

Sunday, November 1, 2009

This is the first website I found. I look the pictures and read the imformation about this website. It talks about holidays of jewish . There are 13 holidays . It is a big number. At last , I learned that ''TuB'shvat''is the new year of tree.To thanks that Israel has alot of tree and fruit.''I think this is meaningful holliday.Purim'' is the holliday of happiness joy. And''passover'' is personal free and fulfillment! people will cook , play games , drink.........It is a great holliday!


This is the secound website I found . It is a good website. I read the website and look the pictures. It's talks about how god create the earth . I learned that in long time ago .God create heavens and earth . But Earth is a dark ,empty place. Then there was a light with brightness and golden warmth. god maked it be bright forever.But he also let the earth spin . so . So the darkness called night and the light called day

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is the first website I found. I almost can read by myself and the imformation also very useful. This website talk about ''What do Jews believe?''and "What special things do Jews wear?". After I read the post I leaned : Jews just believe one god that create the universe .They dont like Hinduism believes many gods ,and they also more free, they can have their own personal relationship. Thet also will wear a small hat and that hat name is Kippah . That is to make them always remember that they will follow the rule of Judaism.

1this is Kippah look like

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This is the socond website I found . This website also very good but this website doesn't have any picture . I learned that they think their god create people with equally. we are all same , But we will be a great person or a bad person is decide to us. I also agree this and think this is meaningful.

2.this is the symbol about Judaism.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

more on mahayana
I read the post in this website and see the pictures . and this website is talk about ''why the buddhism were split '' and ''Mahayana split to where'' .After I read I learned that they argued about what the true doctrine means and what should they practice ,so they split and Mahayana called them self the great wheels and called Theravada the small wheels.I also learned that Mahayana splite to china , Japan,Korea ..........
This is the second website I found . This website is pretty good beacause it is easy to read. I read the post and this website imformations has some same things in last website but it also has some different things. I learned that what is different about mahayana and theravada.There are many things like: their gods , practices, or clothes........................and theravada want to make a perfact nuns or monks but mahayana can adopts other things from other country.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I look at the post in this website , but the website doesn't has any pictures , music or games . However the imformations are very useful. I learned that how buddhism are split and what theravada believe . They believe all the things of buddha taught and don't add new things about what buddha taught

1this is the picture of buhhda.

I read the post in this website and I think the post imformation also very useful . I like it very much . And I learned that how Mahayana believe and what they are different then Theravada . They not beleive any god . They just beleive 3 bodies of buddha.So I think it is a little strange.

How they are different: I learned that how they are different. Theravada just beleive what Buddha taught and learned about every things about buddha. and Mahayana , they dont beleive any god so they just beleive the three bodies of buddhist . This two Buddhism . they dont have any same place .I think it is strange.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

4 Noble Truths

I read this post and saw the picture in this website . However, There aren't any music or games. But the imformations are very useful.
I think the 4 Noble Truths are very meaningful to me and I believe its .its a can teach us how to be a moderate person and the most interesting Noble truth is : what ever you are poor are rich , you need to faced alot of difficaut things .I think this is the most meaningful things. I will remenber its in my minds.

1 this is buddha and his student.

I read the post and see the picture in this website. The post also easy to read. I like it very much . I learned the four nobel truths in this website . But I found the different things about the last website and this website. This website say's that we need to faced many difficauts in our future and last post say's that what ever you are poor or rich , we need to do many difficaut things. It is very interesting.
this is the symbol about buddhism.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I go to this website . I read half of it because this website has to much imformation . I can't read to much bhecause I don't have so much time.I learned about Buddha enlightenment and enlightenment meaning . the enlightenment means the people want to teaching others about what they thinking and Buddha wants to enlightenment people need to being peace and don't killed.I think this is very interesting because in the class ,we don't have learned this things.
1 this is the statue of buddha.

I found this website in yahoo and I also read some information in this website. I learned that what What do Buddhist believe. They believe that nothing in the world is perfect and no mistake. I also agree this . It's very meaningful.I like this website very much.
2this is the picture of buddha .It is very turely.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

This website is very long , I look quilkly and read it all . I also look around the picture . This website has many pictures .And the picture also very beautiful. I like its very much .I learned all of the Buddha life. And rest of his life , he travelled around and teachings many people about what his learned and create Buddhism .

1this is buhhda


I look around this website . The writting of this website also very long . So I just quickly read this website.And there also have some pictures .It's pretty cool.After I read the site I learned how Buddha burn and how does he be the holly man . This story is very good.
2this is statue of Buddha

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I read half of the post and I also saw the pictures. I think this website is pretty good beacuse it's easy to read. And the contents also very good. I learned that the heart is one of my muscle and it is different then other muscle , it can send blood around our body and the blood can provides oxygen to our body and it also can carry some dirty things away. And I also learned that heart will fill lot of blood and squirt out the blood, so our blood can around our body , and our heart do it all day all night so heart is really a important muscle.

1 This picture is a heart .


I watch the vedio in this website . I think this vedio is really good . It show how the heart beat and sent the blood around our body it can make us know that how the heart work I like it very much. I sugest people to see the short movie , it is very interesting.

2it also is a heart

Sunday, June 28, 2009

This is the first website . I read half of this website because this website is too long . But the imformation is very useful. I learned that ganesh is the son of shiva and sita. He is the god of wisdom and genius . And he is a very famouse god. In Tibet also has this god . But tibet people think he is the god of money.I also think this god is special , because he has a big elephant head and human body.

1this is ganesh


This is the second website . I think this website's post is pretty useful and good to understand , but this website is very long. I learned that Lakshmi is the god of Wealth ,prosperity, light, wisdom.............And she is the wife of vishnu .Many people like her because she is the auspicious goddness so she is very popular also she is very pretty godness.

2this is a picture of Lakshmi .


I look this video. This film is just play the picture. But the music is great. It can see Mahadevi is a great warrior and she always with her tiger.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I found this website at google . This website is good to understand . I look half of this website . there also have many picture in this website . I learned that : Rama is the price of Ayodhya. And he also is the hero of ancient hindu . But it just a rumor , and he is one of vishnu embodiment. There are some temple can see him. Rama also is one of china's god .

1 This is Rama and his wife.


This is the second website . I read it all , because the post was short . But the imformation is very useful and clearly. I learned that krishna is a Hindu's god . He also was one of vishnu embodiment.He appears in many stories . some times he is a child , sometimes he is a flute player ............... I think it is little strange . why he can appear in many stories and change to other person. I think it's cool!And he also taught a young prince many things.

2 he is krishna .

I look half of this website . This website has not any music or game , so it a little bit boring . But the imformation are very useful .This website is talk about Rama story . The story is talk about Rama fight with the monster. And he need to savesd his wift sita . And a monkey man help him to save his wife sita.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I look half of this website ,and Ithink this website is very good , there are many pictures in this website and the imformation also very useful . I learn that Brahma is a hindu god and he is the god of creation . The other two are vishnu and shiva . their three are the most famous god in hindu.But there are not many people will obeisance him . There just two temple to respact him.

1 it is brahma .

This is the second website . this website is not so difficault to understand it . I learned that people usually worship vishnu by giving him flowers , give him foods , or praying to him or playing music to him .And he has ten embodiment.

2 it is vishnu with his ten embodiment

I look half os this website . There's not any music or games but there are many pictures in this website . I learned that every one respact shiva . He is very powerful . he can destroy all the world and create a new world . I think this is very cool .
3 this is a shiva

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I found this website in yahoo . This website is easy to understand , also this post is very useful , I like this website very much! I learn that Hinduism is the most oldest religious . This religious is about 8500 years . it's super long! and the meaning about this religious is peace and love and Hindu dharma has no founder . I think it's little strange. But it is a good website.

1this is the god of Hinduism.

This website is great ! it easy to understand and also the has many imformation howevr the imformation also very useful. I learn that Hindus Karma is that they believe that when thay died , thier soul will reincarnation. it like Buddhist beliefs.Thier are all reincarnationist.

2It also a Hinduism god.


I look this website and I learned that This freedom is referred to as moksha. Until moksha is achieved. they think that moksha wiil help them to reincarnated

3this is a Hinduism picture

Friday, May 29, 2009

I look all the post . I think it not very hard to read and the post is not so long. Also I look the picture.but this site dosent have any music or games. But I also like this website.

I learn that the medicine wheel is made by native north America. They made it for spiritual ritual. They built it by circular pattern .it usually found in alberta, canada.And it also very important to them.I think it means we need to relax our spiritual.

The Navajo believed in good and evil, They believed that everything in the universe had a purpose to be it good or evil. And they think the holy people can talk to God, Changing Woman, Bear, Ant, and Corn People.................

1this is a medicine wheel

2 this is a indians

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Myth : One of the Myth of native American myth is that brown bear . bear is a magnificent and special animal ,one day mother bear would fight to protect her kids and human's kids then the human began to learn with the brown bears they very thanks for brown bear. Then the bear and human been very close animal.

Ritual:one of the Ritual is to go to a very hot Lodge and to let you been sweat . there also many other rituals in this website.

Holiday:they have a holiday aboat thanks for their food. their holiday is green corn holidays. they will thank god that god give they food. They think to gather is very important for them, so
they will thank for the god ever year.
I found this website in yahoo. there are one picture in there . the post is not very difficault so I read a half. I learned that every where have shaman and there thinking is very strange . So most of them is a little crazy.And they also have many Ritual too , but their Ritual is different then others.
1 this is a indean picture.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Myth:One of the myth of defeat is that Jesus saved other people ,but it let him be hit and reprove and even he was been nailed and died . But one day he has been alive , he has ben defeat the death.

Ritual:Christainity's Ritual is that you need to eat Eucharist and have a Baptismy . I think this is a special ritual.

holiday:The holidays of Christian is Christmas. It can be a wonderful and meaningful holiday and this day is the day of jesus birthday.

ethic : they cant make love in their whole life because jesus hate sex.
Myth: One of Toaism myth is that if you with Dao together and you can can choose your age.

ritual: I watch this video and it let me know that their ritual is go to temple to worship their a good website.

holiday:Each lunar month, Taoist temples honor particular Deities by hosting festivals

ethic:their often-elaborate ceremonies in their name.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The poor of Rome

This is the first website. I read half of it .This website is pretty long. But the imformation are good. I lerned that slavery is an important part in Romen life. They are meager. They don't have any salary. some of slave always help rich people to work clean cook ...........some of the slave are in the deep under ground to getting gold , silver,copper, or iron.It is a very hard work.I think we wouldnt have any slve , it is very cruel.

This is the second website . This websity is easy ,so it's good to understand. But this website has many imformation and doesnt have any picture. I lerned that it has many slaves in ancient wourld. It was integral in Romen life .The slaves are abundant in the east.Slaves mostly work in farm. So the Rome has farmer .They wark hard but they are very poor.

This is the last website ,it's also great . I like it very much.I learned that

Even poor people can enjoyed many different kinds of entertainment. I think it is a good things for poor people. In acient Rome .They have many air theaters even the smallest one can seat 7000people.The shows also have theatres, races, and fights in the arenas.

1it is a slave

2 this is a great ancient Rome building

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

rich and nobles of ancient Rome

This is the first website . I think this website is pretty good. I found it at yahoo.I learn that : In Rome , there were not many rich people . just few of them .some of them are very Rich . They like to show that they are very rich man. They have many slaves . Thier things are very good and very very expensive . the food taste great and it also very expensive.Ancient Rome rich people liked to use expensive things. thier are really fancy . But I think they cant be to waste.

This is the second website. I think this website also pretty good .I learned that :In early roman days , they dont go to school. the boys , their father would taught them his sons in Roman law, history, customs, and physical training.The girls thier mather would taught them how to spin, weave, and sew.About 200 BCE they can ask for their father to go to school.

This is the last website . I think this website is not so difficault . I think this website is pretty good too. I learn that rome is a big empire, there are many kind of people in there . there are many poor people in rome . they usualy are farmer. the rich people also have many slaves to clean theor house.

1 there are slaves
2there is the ancient rome buliding
3it a women

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The biginning of ancient Rome

This is the first website. I think it's pretty good.I read half of them because the post is long.I learned that Romulus and Remus is foster by the beast.Their are twins.When they grow up . They argue the new city name and they have a war . Romulus win and he killed remus then he be the king .

This is the second website. this website also is very long , so I just read half of them . there are many picture in this website.
I lerned that Rome is a small country . Then slowly they capture other country and be a really strong country.

this is the last website. it is much eazyer than the other tow website. it's a little short but I think the imformation is important.I lerned that Rome empire was huge.It is a small city but they always war to capture other city.

And Rome is a massive city.
1this is a picture that a wolf takecare two babys
2it is a map of rome
3 this is a ancient building

Sunday, April 5, 2009

the american civilization

I think this is a good website.It has good post and good pictures. And also it not difficaut.I learned that Around 900 CE maya disppeared and left their houses and every thing . they are good builders they built great pyramids, temples, stelas................they also will made little pottery figures.It usually used in religious ceremonies.The pottery figures look like their lives.

This is the second website . it's also pretty good it has good picture and post.I learned that the poor people houses houses is very simple and their roof is made by straw and they all have a small garden.The rich people houses is made by sun dried bricks.and there are many things in their houses.

this is the last website. I think this website imformations are good . I read half of the website because the imformations are to much . I learned that incans is a old city .This city was in peru.they belief sun god. they think sun go teach them how to farming and law.
1. it is a mayans man
2. it is a aztecs women
3. it is one part of incans.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I think this website is pretty good. I like this website because I think the information is very useful and n ot t o hard.I think the pictures also are good , It's oil painting. I learned that most inportant debate in americans archaeology is that when is the first people came to u.s. It was a group of hunter came from Siberia.


I see a half of this website. This website is not diffecault , so I think every one can go in to this website to learn. and i also think this picture is very special. I learned that the first americans they cross canada to u.s they were diffrent people came to americans.

I think this website good too, but it doesn't have any games or music . This website is easy then the first website it's easy to understand . I learned that most scholers think that the native Americans came from Asia.

1 it is the hunters.
2 the is the first americans
3 this is the map.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

This picture is that Alexender fight the lion with his friend.

I just read half of this post becuase it is very long post . This website also has many pictire .I think the picture is very good. I lerned that Alexander governcena persia and India.and he is th e most important strategist.when he was little he is very smart he has good history and math ,he also very strong.

2This is Alexender
I read all the post in this website. I think this website is very good I can understand it all. You can come to this website to see and learned. I also thionk this picture is good. I learned that Alexender is a great king.when he was little he has many teacher.When he grew up he bigin to expand the Macedonia empire.He also teach greek many art , history,money .........he died young but he is a great greek.

3This is the money of Alexender
His father teach him many things . he is a hand some men.