This is the first website I found. I almost can read by myself and the imformation also very useful. This website talk about ''What do Jews believe?''and "What special things do Jews wear?". After I read the post I leaned : Jews just believe one god that create the universe .They dont like Hinduism believes many gods ,and they also more free, they can have their own personal relationship. Thet also will wear a small hat and that hat name is Kippah . That is to make them always remember that they will follow the rule of Judaism.
1this is Kippah look like
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This is the socond website I found . This website also very good but this website doesn't have any picture . I learned that they think their god create people with equally. we are all same , But we will be a great person or a bad person is decide to us. I also agree this and think this is meaningful.
2.this is the symbol about Judaism.