Sunday, February 28, 2010

battle of brittain

I read the imformation in this website . This website is pretty good . I can understand most of it .This website is talk about the battle of brittain and the amount of air plane had been destroyed.This war is begin in 1940 . Germans plan is to use bomber to bomb big city , warships and train station .However Brittain air force is brave and strong they shoot down many Germans air force .There navy also very strong. At last Brittain win at this war.Brittain is is the only one in Europe that not been control by Germany.,+Battle
I read the words in this website.This website is suit
to us read . This website is about what in the battle of brittain happened .I learn that at 1940 germany attact many cities. They use blitz to bomb them for evry night . people in Brittain are danger in that time.Then the RAF attact germany air force also. RAF has many planes ,more then germany .Slowly they expel germany.
ps:RAF is England air force.
picture1 :it is a plane of RAF
picture2 : it is Germany bomber

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Adolf Hitler

I read the imformation in this website . I can understand most of the imformation. This is a good website.I learned a part of Hitler life . Hetler was a army corporal in ww1.But 15 years later he change to the king of Germany.Hitler change Germany to Nazi party and Nazi party grow stronger and bigger.There are many people support Hitler. He succeed,he control all the country. He becomes a young leader of germany.

I read this website informations and this imformation also very useful. I learn the terminal of Hetler and nizi party.Hetler is very lucky . He escape the bomb explosion .After that he kills all the people that plan to killed hin. However Germany lost the war also.In his last life he married with mistress, Eva Braun. After the wedding .they killed their self. Because germany lost their war and there are many people hate Hetler.They will kill Hetler with horrible way. So Hetler just end it all it more quilk.

picture1: It is a photo about when Hetler was young.
picture 2 : He is nizi and Hetler